Monday, January 31, 2011

Assignment 2

I chose this to be my best photo because it shows the texture really well. I was thinking that it would stand out if i were to put the brownie on a white surface and on the table outside was layered with snow and i think that it worked well. I had the macro setting on and i compared it with a photo with out the macro setting and it made a huge difference.

f stop:f/6.3
Exposure:1/400 sec

I enjoyed this assignment because there was loads of thing you could take a picture of with macro setting. It wasn't limited at all. Some of my photos took some time because i had to focus them so it would not turn out blurry which happened a lot.

Car Assignment

In this assignment we were given a photo of an edited car from Gimp and we were told to edit the original car to look just like the edited one. The tools we used on Gimp included the painting, navigation, cropping, and levels tools.
I learned what all the skills do to create this photo above. The navigation tool zooms in and out of the photo. The cropping cuts off parts oft he photo you don't want or just to make it smaller. Lastly the levels tool gives the photo a tint by making it  darker or lighter. We also used the painting tools to fill in blank spots or to cover spots on the photo you wouldn't like because there was a person in the background so i blackened it out with black paint.